The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (OoTMM) - Source codeįor older changes, you may consult the full changelog.The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (World Randomizer).Resident Evil (MediaKite) / Resident Evil 2 (Sourcenext) (BioRand) - Requires Classic REbirth.Ratchet & Clank Collection (bordplate's) - Randomizes Ratchet & Clank.

Pokémon Scarlet / Pokémon Violet (ZadenOwer's).Pokémon Emerald Version (Pokémon Emerald Cross).Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals (added to Archipelago).Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (Ran-door-mizer).Dark Souls: Remastered (Roguelike Souls - The Binding of Lordran).The Final Fantasy Legend (Chaoseum) - Located under ffl chaoseum.The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (Serpent's Modular Randomizer).Super Metroid Subversion (hack) (SubversionRando).Spyro the Dragon (Requirement Randomizer) - Located in video description.Pokémon FireRed Version / Pokémon CrystalDust (hack) / Pokémon Emerald Version (GBAXG) - Requires special emulator.Castlevania (Nintendo 64) (apworld) - Requires Archipelago.The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (World Randomizer).Sonic & Knuckles Collection (MainMemory's).Sonic the Hedgehog (Random Levels Project) - Randomizes Green Hill Zone.Shining Force III (Chaos) - More information in the Shining Force III Translation Project Progress Report May 2022.Kingdom Hearts: Critical Mix (Kingdom Hearts Final Mix mod) (Xendra's) - Old PS2 version which requires special emulator.Fallout 4 (Crazy's Armor Overhaul and Randomizer).This subset only shows recently added entries from the past 3 months, with the most recent ones on top, with the exclusion of obsolete ones. The BIG List of Video Game Randomizers | Guillaume Fortin-DebigaréĮxhaustive list of all known video game randomizers.